Welcome to the new home for In Their Shoes!
Simeon Quarrie - Founder and CEO of VIVIDA
24th October 2023
Hello, and welcome to the new site for our groundbreaking In Their Shoes project, an initiative that aims to harness the power of storytelling to examine all the complexities of being human in the workplace – to celebrate our many differences while remembering what connects us.
We’ve been working on In Their Shoes for a while now, and we’re finally ready to introduce it to the world!
What does this mean? It means building a community of people who are inspired by our mission and eager to help us drive real, meaningful change in the workplace. It means creating spaces where our community members feel supported and enabled to share their lives and experiences with us – both the positive and the negative, the disheartening and the empowering. It means an ever-growing repository of training modules, based on those same shared experiences, that use an innovative blend of immersive storytelling and interactivity to deliver experiential learning that will drive change. And most of all it means inviting you in to join us.
Interested in the training we can offer for your workplace? Book a demo
Does our mission resonate with you? If you’d like to share your story with us, let us know.
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Welcome to the new home for In Their Shoes!
Hello, and welcome to the new site for our groundbreaking In Their...
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Ready to walk in someone else's shoes? Get in touch.